Autumn Instagram Round Up #BestThingISawToday

Posted by Casey // dreams and bones. on Tuesday, November 8, 2011. Filed under: , ,

I read recently that the key to happiness is true gratefulness. Expressing gratitude, even in the little things, really makes a difference in your happiness. Have you ever noticed how if you comment on all the little annoyances of your day, your outlook is a lot more negative? Suddenly your day is bad, your friends are bad, your life is bad. 

But, man.. the joy that comes from my heart when I express thankfulness. It doesn't come just from anywhere, but an eternal joy within. Once I get started, I get overwhelmed with happiness as I realize all of the great things around me. 

With that, let me introduce "Best Thing I Saw Today" - an upcoming project from a dear friend, Frances. She shares the sentiments I do. If we just focus a little more on the "best thing" we see each day, we'll start to see our lives uplifted. 
 Clockwise, from top left: 1. Spiced brandy cider! 2. My favorite place to be every week.
3. A super gorgeous man bowling at Chicago's only old-fashioned alley.
4. Me, giving up on shopping in favor of trail mix. 
1. The lovely view from the neighbors. 2. Beautiful autumn.
3. A day off together to explore. 4. Halloween festive food with friends.

What are the best things you saw today? Tweet your pictures to @francesblank, hashtag #bestthingisawtoday, or leave them in a comment here! Don't forget to share with me!

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