Posted by Casey // dreams and bones. on Monday, December 5, 2011. Filed under: , , ,

Dear Blog,

I have a confession to make. I haven't been keeping up my commitment to you. Or, to wedding crafting for that matter.

What have I been doing then, you ask?

Well, for one, I discovered that I was buying way too many crafty ingredients and didn't have enough focused time for projects. Even with my master coupon using, I was still paying Joann and Michael's way too many dollars (remember my money saving post?) Second, despite all the technology I own, I forgot I could post from my iPhone & iPad! Crazy, right?

Let me fill you in on where I've been. :)

The oh-so-glamorous life of wedding planning.

Making gingerbread the second it turned to December.

Getting really involved in watching the entire series of Breaking Bad, Sister Wives, and Lost.

Anyone who watched Lost, how in the world did you make it with all the time inbetween episodes? There's one thing I'm sure of.. I never want to sleep. I just want to see what happens next! One thing I love is how the Mister and I have bonded over these interesting shows. :)

Oh and one other thing before I leave you -- we're praying and fervently planning something huge to take place very shortly after our wedding. Please pray for us!

So tell me, friends, what have you been up to in my absence. What crafts are you working on lately?

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